Dogs Deserve Better is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to freeing the chained or penned dog as well as helping the dog who is abused, neglected, homeless and abandoned. Our goal is to rescue, rehabilitate and help the dog find a home where they can live inside with a loving and caring family.

We strive to advocate and become a voice for dogs living chained or penned outside and for those who have suffered from neglect or abuse. We work hard to educate society to evolve to higher ethical and moral standards for the treatment of dogs living under these conditions. Often we will meet with caretakers of dogs chained outside to advocate on behalf of the dogs and discuss other options available to them. We work with families to help them provide a better life for their dog and their family. When available, we provide fencing grants to those willing to bring their dogs inside but lack the means to put up a fence so their dog is safe within their yard while spending appropriate amounts of time outside. We can not do it all without your help!

We can always use donations to help cover the cost of care for our pups. If you'd like to donate, you can do so through PayPal here. DDB ESVA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit rescue, so all donations tax deductible.

If you would like to make a donation, of any amount, you can through Even small amounts make a big difference!

We understand not everyone can donate financially. If you would like to help in other ways, we are always in need of these items: